Hanging Instructions

Here’s how to hang your Charming Garlands Grab & Go!

Grab Your Hanging Materials & Let’s do this!

* If your garland is in a bag, rip the protective plastic bag off. Don’t try to pull it off! *

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Step ONe: Anchor

If you're anchoring to a banister or railing (already existing anchor point): Simply use the included stretchy long balloon to loop around the garland's centerline and around your anchor point. Tie in a knot.

If you don't have an already established anchor point: Use the included command hook/s with an attached balloon "bracelet" to create an anchor point on a wall.

Make sure to hang the Command Hook 10 mins before you attach your garland to allow your command hook to properly adhere.

*Here is a video we love for Command Hook use and removal tips.*

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Step Two: Attach

Have someone hold the garland in place while you stretch the balloon bracelet towards the closest balloon.

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Step Three: Secure

Gently guide the balloon bracelet around the balloon and onto its base or neck.

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Step Four: Fluff & Finish

Most of the mini balloons can be easily repositioned, so make sure they're towards the front and have fun moving them slightly to achieve the look you like best.

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